Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come Again Another Day

{ Monday, May 17, 2010 }

... Little Becky wants to play...

Usually on rainy days I'm happy. There is something so wondrously peaceful about the rain that softens the earth. Rain turns the world into one huge watercolor. Everything is green and soft and comfy. There's that ever so homey eiderdown to come home to, when you take down your umbrella and shake off the cold... just come in... inhale the steam from your tea cup...
Usually on rainy days I feel like this:

"Oh dear wouldjya look at those clouds? Heaven sakes I gotta go find my man so he can protect me from the THUNDER!!"

And then (of course) I FIND my man and he shelters me and we snog in the rain and it's soooooo romanticccc and there is even background music playing that sounds like the theme music from "Gone With the Wind."

But today...

Oh today.

Today I took a two hour nap (I bet I snored) and woke up and ate a brownie and sucked down some coffee...
And now I have about thirty pages to read of "Paradise Lost" by John Milton.

... You're really not helping things, Johnny boy.

... Second cup today. It's all John Milton's fault.

... Maybe if I take another nap I'll be on my game. Or maybe I just need more chocolate until each one of my organs shuts down one by one and THEN (!) I wouldn't have to go to class tomorrow and I can walk in, no - LIMP in on THURSDAY and tell him that I almost DIED and THATS why I couldn't....

.... oh forget it... I'll just read it and then watch a Disney movie and hum "When you wish upon a star" to myself in the shower.

But of course, I can't go wishing on any stars tonight. It's too cloudy.
What of that, Jimminy?


Unknown said...

love listening to the rain fall on galvanize rooftops. sound is incomparable...

Rebecca said...

oh I know I love rain! Florida rain is the best though... Ohio rain just makes you want to sleep :)

Anonymous said...

used to have similar sentiments about rainy days. And then I got stuck inside during one with a two year old...

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